Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Politicians recharge at CPC students Coffee Morning

Students in Cross and Passion College held an intergenerational Coffee Morning today which provided opportunities for interaction with residents of all ages from the town.

There was also representation from Kilcullen Community Action and The Bridge Magazine. Students also displayed products from mini-company initiatives in the Transition Year.

Being the week that’s in it, a few candidates in the General Election in Kildare South took time out from canvassing to say hello and get some energy-boosting coffee and cake.

These included past pupil Cllr Suzanne Doyle, and Kilcullen resident Anita Mhic Gib. Another political visitor was Deputy Martin Heydon, pictured above with a group of students, and Cllr Ivan Keatley. Martin and Ivan are both past pupils of CPC also, and shared stories of their own time in the college

Now in the last few days before the voting, Martin said the past couple of weeks had been tiring on the canvass. “Last week it still looked a long way before the end, but adrenalin will keep us going for the remaining three days.”

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