Thursday, February 06, 2020

#GE2020: O'Loughlin canvassing in Kilcullen today

In the final days before people make up their mind for Kildare South in GE2020, Fianna Fail Deputy Fiona O'Loughlin returned the canvass to Kilcullen, helped by supporters Antoinette Buckley and Steve Kinneavy.

Elected to Dail Eireann in 2016, she is Vice President of the Fianna Fáil Party. Member of the Seanad Reform Committee, Votáil 100 Committee and the Inaugural Women’s Caucus.

Her background in education as a teacher has led her to involvement as chair of the Education and Skills Committee, which has produced reports on a variety topics ranging from Mental Health to Education for Vulnerable Groups.

Speaking to Kilcullen Diary today she said the campaign focus seems to have shifted from initial support from the main parties to a surge in support for the left. But in terms of forming a government, she believes it is still an option for Fianna Fail not to form an arrangement with Sinn Fein.

She says the main issues on the doorstep continue to be topped by housing and health, and in Kilcullen also the need to support and complete projects like the Market Square proposals and provide adequate parking in the town.

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