Thursday, February 06, 2020

Council wants interest in 'Cycle Cafes'

Pic by Daniel Frank.
Kildare County Council is seeking to engage with local businesses who are interested in being considered as a designated host for a ‘Cycle Café’ on their premises.

A cycle café would best suit local amenity shops or service stations in towns and villages. It is proposed to designate five Cycle Cafés this year initially, as part of Bike Week 2020.

The purpose of a ‘Cycle Café’ is to promote cycling and provide cyclists and cycling groups with a ‘pit stop’ to allow them a refreshment or toilet break along their route, the use of a bicycle repair unit if required and to take advantage of local attractions, amenities and tourism.

Each Cycle Café will be managed and maintained by the individual business owner solely. Kildare County Council will have no liability in any activity or incident, if occurred. Kildare County Council will identify and promote the local amenity shop/service station as a ‘Designated Cycle Café’ along a proposed new map of cycling routes for County Kildare.

The council may assist with the installation of a bicycle repair unit and a bicycle parking station to successful applicants.

Further details and an expressions of interest form is available on the council’s website

Closing date for submissions is Friday, 28 February 2020.

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