Friday, February 07, 2020

A magical night in Woodbine

There were wands, wizards, mysterious people in black cloaks casting spells, mixing potions ... and pouring coffee, writes Brian Byrne. The candlelit space was almost too dark to find the jelly babies.

But it was Woodbine Books after dark, so still one of the most pleasant spooky places to be, having started the climb out of winter.

Available places for the Harry Potter Night had filled very quickly, showing the magic of the books, and of the shop, is still as strong as ever to children of the area. And for their parents. Some of them understood, having had their own affairs with the earliest Harry Potter books in probably their teens.

Others, perhaps younger or maybe grandparents, were bemused but weren’t going to miss out anyway on an extraordinary literary adventure. Or the jelly babies, when they found them eventually in the perfect gloom.

Magic is ... well, magic.

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