Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Customer Appreciation day for Vincents shop

Louise Laxton and Tim Clifford in the Kilcullen Vincents shop.
A Customer Appreciation Day will be held in the Vincents shop in Kilcullen on Wednesday of next week, 4 December, writes Brian Byrne.

There will be mulled wine, mince pies, tea and coffee, and a general opportunity to chat and find out more about the shop and browse the stock.

"It's not a sale or anything, just a way of saying 'thank you' to those who have supported us, and to the volunteers who work with us," says manager Louise Laxton. "We have had a really good year, with great support from the whole community."

The shop has been awarded the top slot in all the Vincents shops in the east region, and customers even come from far beyond Kilcullen, making the shop a destination one.

"I has just been amazing, and we're so grateful to everybody," Louise says.

Meantime, before that, over the coming days, the shop has a series of special themed days for shoppers. On Friday, it's Black. Yep, for the American import marketing gimmick. On Saturday its Surprise. The theme is Blue on Monday, and on Tuesday it's Toy. That should make for an interesting four days of visuals.

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