Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Council surveying talent base of commuters

Kildare County Council is conducting an online survey of people who commute out of the county, to assess their talent base with a view to attracting business and industry so they don't have to commute, writes Brian Byrne.

The Council is offering a raffle of three €50 vouchers to those who participate in the survey, which can be accessed here.

According to the 2016 Census, Kildare has the sixth highest percentage of outbound commuters in the State, at 39.1pc. Key outbound destinations are Dublin City (15,481) and South Dublin (10,593).

As part of the Mid East Enterprise Plan 2020, Kildare County Council and their partners are developing co-working spaces in the areas of equine tech, tech and food in Kildare Town, Athy and Naas. When completed, these hubs will provide outbound commuters and start ups/entrepreneurs with the opportunity to relocate to a workspace close to where they live.

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