Thursday, August 29, 2019

Appleton Property – Autumn 2019 Update

Fair play to the teachers. They were very keen to get back to work this year and brought the kids in earlier than ever before, writes Austin Egan MIPAV, proprietor of Appleton Property, Kilcullen. This signifies the start of the Autumn sales market.

Those selling property in the second half of the year would be well advised to move on it now while we still have the benefit of the long evenings. The property market is always a focus for media on the slow news days of Summer. I have read reports of the market being up, being down, being stabilised etc, and of course the crystal ball journalists predictions of the shape of the market in 2020 and beyond.

The facts remain the facts. There are more people in need of housing than there are houses available. In the year 2019 so far we have seen a continued increase the number of sales transacted and in the level at which property is being sold. There is interest in all property types that are properly marketed and properly priced in all parts of our locality. We were never closer to Dublin with the new 3-lane M7, and we also have a lot of other local employment on our door step that many regions just don’t have. Our town and the hinterland must surely have the best sporting, social, community and education facilities in the country for a town of its size. We are looking for more property to meet this demand. We are always seeking to list town based and country based homes for our on-line, telephone and walk-in enquirers. We are entering our 10th year in business in September. We started out in challenging times. Since then the market has continued to improve. We have achieved ever improving outcomes on our clients' behalf.

We also provide letting services. The letting market is in turmoil. There is an extreme ever-increasing shortage of rental property. Legislation in this area is continuously changing. We manage a large portfolio of rental property. We are always looking to extend that portfolio to new landlords, existing landlords and landlords intending to switch agents.

We also provide professional valuation services for legal and financial purposes on behalf of individuals and financial institutions. We are members of the Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers in Ireland,, and also members of The European Group of Valuer Associations, TEGoVA. We have recently been approved to provide valuation services for Ulster Bank customers.

If we can be of any assistance please contact Laura, Liam or myself at our Main Street, Kilcullen, office and we would be more than happy to assist you with any property requirement.

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