Thursday, July 25, 2019

Teach na nDaoine tours, 'sponsor brick' scheme, Saturday

A reminder tours and explanations of work completed to date at the Teach na nDaoine Senior Citizens Centre project will take place on Saturday morning, 27 July, between 10am-1pm, writes Brian Byrne.

Everyone is welcome to go along and see the status of the project and hear the plans for its completion.

The morning also sees the launch of a paving brick sponsorship scheme to help raise funds towards finishing the project.

The 'Walk of Life' initiative involves supporters paying €100 a paving brick, with the name of the sponsoring individual, family or group engraved on it. The bricks will then be laid in a pathway when the Teach scheme is completed, probably from the road entrance up to the Teach building.

A 'popup brick shop' will be open on the morning for those interested in supporting the scheme to buy them.

If you can't go along, you can sponsor by contacting Liz Maloney on 087 2805700 or Antoinette Buckley on 086 3702554, from whom sponsorship forms can be obtained.

The project was initiated in 2015, involving the refurbishment of the old Dispensary and the building of a large extension which will allow a range of facilities to be provided, such as activity areas, kitchen facilities, a lounge, coffee dock and dining room, and a community garden.

Up to last year, the funds gathered towards the estimated €190,000 cost had reached €65,000, including €45,000 from the National Lottery. The balance raised has come from a range of small and large events organised in the community, as well as private donations.

Planning permission was granted in late 2016, and statutory certifications from various organisations including the county Fire Service were completed in August 2017.

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