Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Re-sanding of playground tomorrow

Kilcullen playground will be closed tomorrow for the sand to be replaced, writes Brian Byrne.

With more sand ...

This will be a big disappointment to many families who use the playground, because the sand gets into children’s clothes, shoes, hair and everywhere.

It also blows onto the adjoining footpath and roads, creating an untidy appearance which annoys those involved in Kilcullen Tidy Towns.

The Diary understands that requests to have the sand replaced with a dry rubberised surface will not be consented to by the Council, on cost grounds.

A motion requesting this which was to come before the Kildare-Newbridge MD meeting last week was deferred until September.

Looks like the arrival of the new load of sand will make that moot. For some time, anyhow.

It’s really up to the community, especially those who are complaining about the sand, to make their feelings heard directly to the Council.

Old fashioned letters are great. Especially in numbers. Copy them to our MD councillors, especially those close to Kilcullen matters, so they have more ammunition when fighting on our town’s behalf. Being able to hold up a stack of letters in Council has a much greater effect than mentioning emails.

Oh, by the way, Kildare County Council says it regrets any inconvenience about closing the playground tomorrow.

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