Saturday, July 20, 2019

Praise for Gordon Bennett visit management

Gda Jon Brien and rally legend Rosemary Smith.
The work of the Garda and local volunteers in helping to manage the recent visit of the Gordon Bennett Car Run was noted at a recent meeting of the Kilcullen 700 Committee, writes Brian Byrne.

Nessa Dunlea, chair of the Committee, said there had been a very nice letter from the Run organisers, thanking Kilcullen for a 'memorable day, which allowed overseas visitors to interact directly with local people'.

Sabina Reddy said the management of the cars on the street had been excellent, and Noel Clare said the gardai were 'terrific'.

It was noted that there had been some disappointment expressed that there were no cafes open for the occasion, as it was a bank holiday. But Nessa said the tea and refreshments provided in the Heritage Centre had been much welcomed.

There was also a lot of interest in the presentations on Kilcullen and its history in the Town Hall Theatre during the visit.

And Nessa added that the colourful yarn display on the bridge had also added much to the occasion.

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