Wednesday, May 22, 2019

'Wild Geese' to be asked for photos with their Calendars

Following on from the extraordinary success of their first Calendar, the Kilcullen Photography Club is aiming to repeat the project for 2020, writes Brian Byrne.

Because so many of the 2019 Calendars were sent to Kilcullen people living abroad, the Club wants to acknowledge the town's 'wild geese' in the next production.

The idea is that a page of the next Calendar will include pictures of those Kilcullen people abroad who got the 2019 publication, holding it in their overseas home.

Anyone who sent a copy of the Calendar to family or friends overseas is asked to contact them and have them get suitable pictures taken. The pictures can then be emailed to the club's Secretary, Dave Byrne, at

The deadline for submissions will be mid-September.

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