Market Square and parking, KCA responds
A recent article in the Kilcullen Diary dated 23rd April regarding the redevelopment of Market Square raised a number of issues, which the redevelopment committee of Market Square and KCA would like respond to, writes KCA Chairperson Ray Kelly.
Firstly the “lack of information” is an understandable concern, however the Bridge magazine has kept people up to date and has informed the public about the awaited Part 8 process. There is a process that must be followed in any redevelopment project. There was a public consultation day, parking surveys completed and numerous meeting with Kildare County Council officials, local representatives, local businesses and local residence concerning this project. Having completed these as well as consultation with the architect and engineers Kildare County Council has over the past few months been working on the next phase.
The redevelopment committee has sent several correspondences to KCC requesting information and dates as to when a formal public consultation to show the plans for Market Square would be held. A correspondence from KCC in February set a time line of approximately six to eight weeks before The Part 8 planning would be completed. The Part 8 documentation is being assembled and the drawings are largely completed. There are a number of planning reports that are required and these take time to be drafted. This would bring the process up to the end of April.
Secondly, some of the businesses in the area are rightly concerned about parking. The redevelopment committee see Market Square as a focal point for the town that has the potential to bring even more people into the area, which would benefit the local economy. The recently launched Fairy Trail in the Valley has seen the numbers of people and families using this amenity increase substantially. Indeed the increased footfall has benefited local businesses.
As part of the redevelopment it is envisaged that the redevelopment of Market Square will see a foot bridge connecting the Valley to Market Square and in doing so will bring increased footfall to the area. This can only improve the local economy and make Market Square a safer and more enjoyable space for everyone to enjoy.
In addressing the parking issue, this has been discussed at every meeting and the committee with KCC are looking at allocating parking spaces nearby. When analysing the parking survey it was discovered that many of the cars on Market Square were parking there all day, which would not be of benefit to any of the local businesses. Outside some of the business premises staff are parking for long periods of time. The survey also highlighted that there is ample parking in the town. Perhaps businesses could come together to look at the parking that is in the town and make sure it is properly signposted and used. During the recent spell of good weather some businesses put benches outside their premises for people to sit and socialise. This shows that when you create a space for people to come and relax and feel safe from traffic it can bring increased footfall and people will stay longer and support the local economy.
In other towns where businesses had similar objections about the removal of parking spaces to create more attractive civic spaces, these were proven to be unfounded. Westport being one town, it is now the most sought after place to live in Ireland.
Thirdly Market Square was to be pedestrianised as part of the construction of the apartments in 2006. However due to a lack of funding these plans did not come to fruition. However as part of the development there was an over ground car park built to facilitate public parking. After a huge amount of work a number of grants have now been secured and this project at last will see the area pedestrianised as was envisaged in the original plan for the construction of those apartments.
Fourthly, KCA is a voluntary group who meet regularly at open public meetings that everyone can attend. The group is always looking for new members to join. The group do a tremendous amount of work in and for the town. A number of initiatives and projects have been delivered over the past number of years by KCA which have improved the town and benefited everyone; Kilcullen in Bloom, Christmas Lights, improvement works on convent walls, river walks and talks, the sustainable energy project, painting derelict buildings in the town and working with KCC to have some buildings made safer, Pinkeen Stream regeneration, the pollination initiative, the introduction of CCTV and weekly litter picks to name just a few. Each year KCA hold The Community Awards, which recognise the achievements of local people, groups, clubs and businesses.
Other groups in the town have held events on Market Square also; these include the Kilcullen River Festival, Christmas and Easter markets, St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the Pieta House Twilight Chorus Concert.
The redevelopment of Market Square is a fantastic opportunity to redevelop the area and make it a public space for everyone to enjoy and to appreciate the River Liffey. We need to build our community for everyone and be inclusive for everybody’s needs; residence, businesses and attracting visitors into the town. Holding events on Market Square will bring increased footfall to the area. Indeed as we see with the success of the Fairy Trail, if we create a space for people to come they will come and spend time.
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Firstly the “lack of information” is an understandable concern, however the Bridge magazine has kept people up to date and has informed the public about the awaited Part 8 process. There is a process that must be followed in any redevelopment project. There was a public consultation day, parking surveys completed and numerous meeting with Kildare County Council officials, local representatives, local businesses and local residence concerning this project. Having completed these as well as consultation with the architect and engineers Kildare County Council has over the past few months been working on the next phase.
The redevelopment committee has sent several correspondences to KCC requesting information and dates as to when a formal public consultation to show the plans for Market Square would be held. A correspondence from KCC in February set a time line of approximately six to eight weeks before The Part 8 planning would be completed. The Part 8 documentation is being assembled and the drawings are largely completed. There are a number of planning reports that are required and these take time to be drafted. This would bring the process up to the end of April.
Secondly, some of the businesses in the area are rightly concerned about parking. The redevelopment committee see Market Square as a focal point for the town that has the potential to bring even more people into the area, which would benefit the local economy. The recently launched Fairy Trail in the Valley has seen the numbers of people and families using this amenity increase substantially. Indeed the increased footfall has benefited local businesses.
As part of the redevelopment it is envisaged that the redevelopment of Market Square will see a foot bridge connecting the Valley to Market Square and in doing so will bring increased footfall to the area. This can only improve the local economy and make Market Square a safer and more enjoyable space for everyone to enjoy.
In addressing the parking issue, this has been discussed at every meeting and the committee with KCC are looking at allocating parking spaces nearby. When analysing the parking survey it was discovered that many of the cars on Market Square were parking there all day, which would not be of benefit to any of the local businesses. Outside some of the business premises staff are parking for long periods of time. The survey also highlighted that there is ample parking in the town. Perhaps businesses could come together to look at the parking that is in the town and make sure it is properly signposted and used. During the recent spell of good weather some businesses put benches outside their premises for people to sit and socialise. This shows that when you create a space for people to come and relax and feel safe from traffic it can bring increased footfall and people will stay longer and support the local economy.
In other towns where businesses had similar objections about the removal of parking spaces to create more attractive civic spaces, these were proven to be unfounded. Westport being one town, it is now the most sought after place to live in Ireland.
Thirdly Market Square was to be pedestrianised as part of the construction of the apartments in 2006. However due to a lack of funding these plans did not come to fruition. However as part of the development there was an over ground car park built to facilitate public parking. After a huge amount of work a number of grants have now been secured and this project at last will see the area pedestrianised as was envisaged in the original plan for the construction of those apartments.
Fourthly, KCA is a voluntary group who meet regularly at open public meetings that everyone can attend. The group is always looking for new members to join. The group do a tremendous amount of work in and for the town. A number of initiatives and projects have been delivered over the past number of years by KCA which have improved the town and benefited everyone; Kilcullen in Bloom, Christmas Lights, improvement works on convent walls, river walks and talks, the sustainable energy project, painting derelict buildings in the town and working with KCC to have some buildings made safer, Pinkeen Stream regeneration, the pollination initiative, the introduction of CCTV and weekly litter picks to name just a few. Each year KCA hold The Community Awards, which recognise the achievements of local people, groups, clubs and businesses.
Other groups in the town have held events on Market Square also; these include the Kilcullen River Festival, Christmas and Easter markets, St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the Pieta House Twilight Chorus Concert.
The redevelopment of Market Square is a fantastic opportunity to redevelop the area and make it a public space for everyone to enjoy and to appreciate the River Liffey. We need to build our community for everyone and be inclusive for everybody’s needs; residence, businesses and attracting visitors into the town. Holding events on Market Square will bring increased footfall to the area. Indeed as we see with the success of the Fairy Trail, if we create a space for people to come they will come and spend time.
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