Community Text Alert AGM
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Pic by Kilcullen Text Alert: Christy Howard of Old Kilcullen Resident's Association, Garda John Brien, Alan O'Grady, Maurice O'Mahony, Sabina Reddy, Sgt Tom O'Donoghue, and Cllr Ivan Keatley. |
The committee elected for the incoming year are Chairperson: Sabina Reddy; Secretary: Alan O'Grady; Treasurer: Maurice O'Mahony; and Committee: Ivan Keatley, Ian Shields.
Representation from An Garda in attendance were Garda John Brien and Garda Sergeant Tom O'Donoghue. In attendance were about 30 people. Cllr Suzanne Doyle was also present.
After the election of the officers Garda Tom Brien told the meeting that generally crime is down on previous years. We have five Garda members at present in Kilcullen which will increase to six.
The Kilcullen Garda station may not be physically open all the time, he said but the guards have full contact when out and about. If a call goes to the station, it rings the phone, diverts first to a mobile, and then failing contact there diverts to Naas Garda Station.
The Kilcullen station is set up that each garda in Kilcullen is assigned to different areas of Kilcullen district for community policing. The public are encouraged to ring in their concerns to the station, no matter how small or trivial it may seem — all information matters.
He also reminded the community to let the Garda know of people living alone or vulnerable people are in the area —they would like to be aware of them.
Garda Brien said the force fully supports the idea of the Text Alert system and would encourage as many to join up as possible. Information of concern that is sent to the Guards will be sent out immediately through the text system.
Each resident's group are asked to do an assessment on the Text Alert signs in their area and can request more if needed from the committee.
Cllr Doyle spoke about a portable marking system which is available for use, which is a laser machine that can mark valuable items like bicycles, lawnmowers, chainsaws.
Cllr Ivan Keatley spoke on the possibility of providing community CCTV in the local area and said work is going on at present to look at options.
It was agreed to have a Day of Awareness at a date to be decided. This will be a central point where people can bring items to be laser marked, get information on community policing, information on living alone monitoring system and text alert information. If anyone would like to help out on this day please contact any of the committee members.
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