Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Whatever you do, don't let them in!

"Whatever you do, don't let them in!"
"Whatever you do, don't let them in!"

The refrain in last night's performance of 'The Black Eyes' by the Kilcullen Drama Group Youth Theatre was a suitably chilling end to their first of two nights in the Town Hall Theatre, writes Brian Byrne.

For those present in the audience, it may certainly make some think twice about opening their doors to children seeking 'a penny for the PĂșca' (a phrase which will likely be unknown to the current generation of 'trick or treaters').

It was a large undertaking of Bev Clark's very creepy play, with no less than 17 of a cast (I think ... some played a couple of parts) which also included some of the Drama Group Seniors like Dick Dunphy and Fergal Sloan.

The play was directed by Wayne Donohoe and Eilis Phillips, and there's another chance to see it on Thursday night. Do.

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