Thursday, October 04, 2018

Jimmy's well adds serenity to CPC garden

A Third Year student at CPC spent some of his summer holidays building an ornamental Wishing Well for a courtyard garden in the college, writes Brian Byrne.

Jimmy Behan, from Suncroft, worked out all the details with a cousin and then produced the wooden ornament, beside which a temporary bench has been placed so pupils or staff members can relax in a quiet environment. Jimmy is now considering making a proper bench, and it is suggested that a water fountain element could be incorporated into the well.

He built it as part of the Civic, Social & Political Education (CPSE) citizenship course that's part of Junior Cycle. A section of this is learning how personal wellbeing is connected to the wellbeing of others, and how to contribute to making a better space for everyone.

"I like woodwork, and I thought the idea of a wishing well would help people relax," Jimmy said last week, the day after the well had finally been installed ... though he does admit that there were non-relaxed, even frustrating moments when working on some of the smaller elements. Now that it is in place, though, he's very satisfied.

And what did he personally learn from the project? "Oh, a lot of things about getting the correct angles and cuts with the timber pieces. And if I was to do it again, I'd now make it a lot quicker."

The CSPE module is taught by Ms Mary Quinto, who says this particular element is related to the mental health area of the curriculum. "I wanted the students to pick their own projects for this, instead of telling them what to do. I thought Jimmy's idea of a wishing well nicely represents serenity."

Other students are working on renovating the garden, which has become somewhat overgrown, to bring it back to its normal state.

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