Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Anger at premature lighting of bonfire

Some of the bonfire material last week.
There's a lot of anger in Avondale estate because of the premature lighting of a bonfire on the green on Sunday night, writes Brian Byrne.

Material which had been placed on the green over recent weeks was set alight by people unknown. The bonfire was due for lighting on Wednesday night, Halloween.

The matter has generated a lot of comment on Facebook from residents of the area. Many have promised to source fresh material for the bonfire for tomorrow night.

Not everyone was in favour of the event, though. Last week, the Diary was contacted by residents concerned at the dumping of mattresses and other unsuitable material on the green. A request was to be made to Kildare County Council to clear it.

Meanwhile, Kildare Fire Service has issued a general warning about dangers around bonfires and fireworks. In particular, they ask parents to make sure children don't wear long trailing clothing in their costumes.

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