Sunday, September 30, 2018

A very special Michaelmas Day at Kildare Steiner School

Parents of current and former students, teachers and former teachers, present and past pupils all contributed to a very enjoyable celebration yesterday of the 30th anniversary of the Kildare Steiner School, writes Brian Byrne.

Blessed with a sunny day for the event, which was also on Michaelmas Day — a key event in the Steiner ethos — the celebrations included music and dancing, food, and a tree-planting.

After a meet and greet session in marquees, children from the current cohort of pupils performed Michaelmas music, song and dance for the assembly.

Hanna Tuuri-Burke, Gale Pullen-Foster, Claudia Brave, and Dorly O'Sullivan.
This was followed by a timeline presentation of the 30 years' history of the school, which began its life in Dublin, then moved to Dunshane House for four years before relocating to its present site at Athargid near Dunlavin.

The timeline was provided by three of the teachers who had successively been involved in the three decades of the school's development — Claudia Brave, Gale Pullen-Foster, and Hanna Tuuri-Burke.

A tree was planted to mark the occasion by Roisin Byrne, a nature-based landscape architect and parent of a former pupil. Afterwards everybody returned to the marquee to enjoy a nature table presented by former Steiner parent Anne Tracey, and recollections of the school from among the participants.

Circle dancing led by Linda Grant's traditional music preceded a buffet meal and then the event concluded with two hours of music by The Whileaways.

READ: Field of Dreams

Natasha preparing the food for the buffet.
All the Diary's pictures, from the early part of the day, can be seen here.

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