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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Church roof repairs await funding

Repairs to the church roof in Kilcullen are awaiting decisions on funds towards the cost, writes Brian Byrne.

In the meantime, the Parish has a specialist expert coming to fully survey the roof, to ensure that whatever repairs are consistent with the ongoing state of the structure.

"Essentially, the roof has had its time," says Liam McDonnell of the Parish Finance Committee. "We won't get a full new one, but we'll see what has to be done. There's no point is doing something that has to be taken down again in a few years."

He said the Parish has applied for Protected Structure funds to help with the work, and they are also awaiting a decision from the Diocese on the work. "The Diocese is behind us on the need for proper repairs."

The church is listed as one of a number of Protected Structures under the Kildare County Development Plan 2017-2023. The Council manages an annual DCHG Structures at Risk fund for essential repairs to such structures, which can provide up to €30,000 to 80pc of the total cost.

Just four applications will be considered by the local authority for 2018, and qualifying works include those to ensure the weather tightness of a qualifying building.

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