Sunday, September 10, 2017

Don't sign this ...

Just a little warning to people in business in the area, if they get a letter like the above, writes Brian Byrne.

It has been doing the rounds for years, but pops up again in an area from time time, hoping to get a few busy people who haven't time to read the small print.

The letter, originating the Hamburg, suggests that a free-to-list 'EBN European Business Number' is required under the 'Tax Reform Act 2003' (doesn't exist in Ireland or EU) and the 'Tax Simplification Act 2011' (does exist in Germany but does not apply to this kind of thing). The recipient is asked to fill in and sign the accompanying form.

However, there's small print above the signature which notes that this is an 'order' for an advertisement at a cost of €890, recurring for a period of three years.

The one above was received by a friend in business locally. Fortunately he was a bit wary and called his financial adviser, who correctly told him to shred it.

These days there are so many forms for a small business to fill in, that this one could slip too easily from the 'In' tray to the 'Out', with a scribble of a VAT number, three boxes ticked, and a signature.

Like I said, it has been around for quite some time, but memories are short, and new businesses struggle into existence every day. The last thing any of them need is this.

Be warned.