Steiner School Plant Sale on Friday

A Plant Sale will be held in the Kildare Steiner School on Friday next, 9 June, to raise funds for a replacement lawnmower for the School, writes Brian Byrne.
Ciaran Burke from The Garden School in Marlay Park, Dublin, has promised to donate lots of plants grown by The New Growth Project, a programme for unemployed and people with intellectual disabilities.
Ciaran will be at the School for the event on Friday, which starts at 1pm. The plants are all good quality perennials, grown without chemicals, some unusual ones as well. He will advise about the plants and answer any gardening related questions.
The plants will be on sale for €5 each, and the money will go towards the cost of the lawnmower, for use by Paddy who looks after the School grounds.
Ciaran is the owner of The Garden School and a Growmor ambassador and he also writes for the Irish Garden magazine.