Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Happy New Year, and thank you, all

This piece has been a little while coming, writes Brian Byrne. Maybe because Kilcullen, and therefore the Diary, and by extension myself, have all been so busy since. Not to mention the day job ...

The truth is, I was pretty well gobsmacked by the recent night in Fallons for me that so many of you were in one way or another involved in. I said on the occasion that it left me caught for words. Strange, for somebody who has made his living with words for some 40 years. I've been trying to find the right ones since.

"Just a few of us, a bit of food, a few drinks," I'd been told a couple of weeks before, by way of making sure that I'd be around for the occasion. A sensible precaution. I have a sometimes geographically scattered working life, as many will know. So I put the date on my calendar and got on with normal stuff.

It was certainly suspicious that in the day or so leading in, I found so many people seemed to know there was something on. But it's a small town. Word spreads. Spreads often to me anyhow. Usually so I can do something with it, pass the story on. This wasn't a story, though. Well, not yet.

Then, on the night, arrival in Fallon's snug. Full with friends, family, people I come into contact with through the Diary, KCA, and more. The penny fell noisily on the floor.

I won't go into detail, just to say it was one of those very memorable occasions in one's life. Nice things were said, much more than deserved. There were presents, cards, the presentation for the Diary that's now in pride of place in my sitting room. A second 70th birthday party ... most people who reach the Biblical allocation only get one, and even then are lucky.

So all I can say is, a heartfelt 'thanks'. To those who were there, to those who couldn't make it but sent kind words anyhow, to those who contributed to the presentation and all that went on for the evening. It was, still is, fairly overwhelming. But thanks, again.

Much was said about the Diary, and the contribution it has apparently made to Kilcullen at home and abroad. The truth is, I'm the one that gets the most fun out of it. It gives me the excuse to go places, hear about things, keep in touch with my home town. It's a town I'm very proud to be a part of, that my family has been a part of for four generations. It's a town that has given me and my family much more than I might ever have given it.

For the Diary itself, it's just a reflection of what Kilcullen is all about. If nothing happened here, if there weren't so many things to record and write about, to photograph, there'd be nothing to post on it. If there weren't so many individuals, groups, and businesses all doing pretty wonderful, generous, and sometimes fascinating things, there would be no words to write, no pictures to take, nothing to say. If the Diary has earned a place beside The Bridge as a way to help Kilcullen be talking to itself, it's only because the people of Kilcullen give it a reason to be.

I have been blessed with an ability to write a little, an ability I have tried to craft and hone and improve and develop over the last four decades. It is an ability that has contributed to giving me a very interesting life, has brought me to places and introduced me to people I could only have dreamed of if I had stayed with some of my earlier career endeavours. But in many respects the Diary is the part of all that which I find the most satisfying. Because it's about my home. And my home people. The ten years since I set it up have, literally, flown.

Some people are lucky. Others are very lucky. I consider myself exceptionally lucky, to have a beautiful and loving family, wonderful friends, and a unique home town that I'm fortunate to have been able to stay in for all my life. For all that, I say one last time, thank you.

Happy New Year, all.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Kilcullen Parish Lotto

The numbers drawn in the Kilcullen & Gormanstown Parish Lotto Draw held on Tuesday 30th December 2014 were 9, 19, 20 and 30. There was no Jackpot winner and next week's main prize will be €7,800.

The winners of the €50 Open Draws were David Browne (promoter Vanessa Clarke), Vincent Jennings (Vivienne Byrne), and Noel Sherry Jnr (Vivian Clarke).

The winners of the €50 Promoters Draws were Trish Byrne and Vivienne Byrne, and the winner of the Draw for those in the Parish Centre on the night was Angela Tynan.

The Parish thanks all those who take part in the Lotto for their ongoing support.

'Miscellany' funds reach €5,000

The contributions to the pre-Christmas 'Miscellany on Sunday' fundraiser for Fr John Bermingham's mission in Mozambique have now reached €5,000, writes Brian Byrne.

Fr John and his mother Phena wish to thank all those who donated to this cause at the annual get-together in the Bermingham family home at Mooretown.

"It was a wonderful outcome for the funds for the mission, where Fr John works with Fr Brian Holmes from Cork," Phena says. "It couldn't have happened without the enormous support of our community, friends and neighbours. Thank you all again."

The passing of Ann Kinehan

The Diary has learned of the death of Ann Kinehan, The Courtyard, Kilcullen, and formerly of Main Street, Dunlavin.

Ann is reposing at her daughter Marie's residence, Yellowbog, Kilcullen from where removal will take place this (Tuesday) evening, for arrival at the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, Donard, at 7 o'clock.

Requiem Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday morning at 11am, and burial will follow afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

May she rest in peace.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The passing of Margaret McDonnell

The Diary has learned of the death of Margaret (Peggy) McDonnell, Moanbane Park and late of Brownstown House, Kilcullen.

Margaret passed away on 27 December 2014 at Naas Hospital. She will be sadly missed by her loving sister Bridget, nephew Donal, sisters in law, nieces, nephews, grandnieces, grandnephews, relatives and friends.

She will be reposing at Murphy Bros funeral home, Naas from 6.30pm today, Sunday, until 9pm with Rosary at 7.30pm.

Margaret's removal will take place on Monday morning at 10.30am to St Peters Church, Two Mile House, arriving for 11am Requiem Mass. Burial will take place afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

May she rest in peace.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Text Alert reports lights in field

Kilcullen Community Text Alert has reported flash lights seen in a field in Old Kilcullen, writes Brian Byrne.

The possibility is that the users are 'lamping' for rabbits, but the Garda have been notified.

The Text Alert Scheme is operated in conjunction with An Garda, and encourages people to watch out for their neighbours, especially vulnerable ones.

Depression group benefit tonight

Just a reminder that a Benefit Night in aid of the depression support group HOPE(D) will be held in Walls of Kilgowan tonight, writes Brian Byrne.

It kicks off at 8pm and will include an auction, raffle and live music.

HOPE(D) is based in Newbridge with its HQ at 2 Henry Street. It was founded in 2003 after the sudden and tragic death of a family member by suicide.

The organisation was formed to help raise awareness and provide advice and information regarding suicide and other mental health issues. Since its inception it has gone on to provide support and funding to other voluntary groups and statutory organisations.

Halverstown Family Walk

Calverstown Tidy Towns are holding their annual Christmas Family Walk today.

The event strides off at 12 noon from the Stream Inn, and finishes there with hot drinks and mince pies afterwards.

All are welcome to this village event.

Friday, December 26, 2014

JJ Kavanagh cutting bus services

Bus operator JJ Kavanagh is cutting eight services through Kilcullen from Monday 5 January, writes Brian Byrne.

These include the to-Dublin services at 08.20am, 11.25am, 15.25pm, and 19.30 pm.

The to-Waterford services to be discontinued are 09.55am, 14.05pm, 17.25pm, and 20.10pm.

The (Kilcullen) times of the services that will remain are below. There are also special student college services details of which can be found on the operator's website.

From Dublin Route 736
07.55am to Waterford
19.00pm to Waterford
01.15am to Waterford

To Dublin Route 736

To Dublin route 717

Towards Clonmel Route 717

GAA 2014 Awards

Three Lifetime Awards were presented at the recent GAA Social & Awards Night in Fallons, writes Jim Buckley.

One was presented to Club President Billy Aspell, for 40 years of promoting the Xmas Hamper fundraiser and for a lifetime of service to Kilcullen GAA.

Martin Whyte, recently retired from the Kildare County Board after five years as Treasurer, received an Award for his long and distinguished service to Kilcullen GAA.

Steve Kinneavey, recently retired from An Garda, was presented with his Award for his distinguished service and support to Kilcullen GAA.

Other Awards presented on the night were to the Senior Men's Players of the year Paul Jones and Danny Fisher; Junior Player of the Year Colin Byrne; Senior Ladies Player of the Year Amy Moran; Minor Men's Player of the Year Adam Noone; Minor Ladies Player of the Year Katie Willis; Juvenile Boys Mentor Award Liam Cronin; Juvenile Girls Mentor of the year Ger Breen; and Club Person of the Year Jacinta Sully.

A special presentation was made to to our Junior Team County Champions 2014.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Alert warning for Old Kilcullen

Kilcullen Text Alert has issued a warning about 'suspicious activity' in the Old Kilcullen area.

The vehicle raising concerns has a 94 CN registration.

The Text Alert system is operated in conjunction with An Garda. People in the area are asked particularly to keep an eye out for vulnerable neighbours.

Happy Christmas, to The Saint

As we have done for a number of years now, the Diary sends Christmas greetings to Donal St Leger in New Jersey from Michael Lambe's Open House on Christmas morning.

And below, for a change, here it is in video form.

Happy Christmas, Saint.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The bells were ringing out ...

The traditional Christmas Eve morning performance by the Bridge Camphill bell-ringers was once again to a packed house, writes Brian Byrne.

All the regulars were there, and more, as well as one eight-week old absolute newcomer to the audience.

The small clip here is just one piece from a beautiful selection which everybody present enjoyed immensely.

Now the immediate Christmas has truly begun, let's enjoy it.

More from the flashmob

Just for those who weren't lucky enough to be there yesterday, here are a few more scenes from the Kilcullen Gospel Choir's 'flashmob' performance in Nolans yesterday.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Parish Lotto Draw

The numbers drawn in the Kilcullen & Gormanstown Parish Lotto Draw held on Tuesday 23rd December 2014 were 2, 11, 15 and 16. There was no Jackpot winner, and next week's main prize will be €7,600.

The winners of the €50 Open Draws were Emer Quirke (Promoter: Wednesday Bridge Club), Juno (Nora), and Terry Lawler (Kilcullen Credit Union).

The winners of the €50 Promoters Draws were Pat Clarke and the Friday Bridge Club. The winner of the Draw for those in the Parish Centre on the night was Sheila Peacocke.

The Parish expresses its appreciation for the continued support of the Lotto.

Home Instead Christmas night

Home Instead Senior Care in Kilcullen recently hosted a Christmas night for older people in the local community and caregivers, with a screening of the Christmas classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life” in the Kilcullen Town Hall Theatre.

The venue provided easy access for people of all ages and including those living with a disability as well as spacious and comfortable seats. Teas, coffees and mince pies were on hand for movie-goers and attendees had a chance to not only watch a Christmas classic but to also mingle with people in the local community.

Amanda Bohan, owner and MD of Home Instead Senior Care, said the event went down a treat with older people in the local community. "It gave people a chance to get out and about and meet up with friends and neighbours as well as watch a classic Christmas movie," she added. "Home Instead Senior Care is a supporter of older people living a happy, healthy and independent life at home and look forward to hosting further events for older people and the very important caregivers in Kildare”.

Amanda is pictured above at the event with John Carey, Newbridge.

Gospel flashmob!

Of course, it did look a little suspicious that Fergal and Eilis were taking so long to select a piece of cheese in Nolans, but then they and other members of the Kilcullen Gospel Choir who had quietly infiltrated the place sang out in a very special 'flashmob' event in the town's great butcher store, writes Brian Byrne.

Call it guerrilla gospel, maybe? Anyhow, the Christmas queue already in full swing got a teriffic session of singing from the Choir, led with typical verve by Phionagh Gibson.

"A bit of Christmas atmosphere," grinned James Nolan, one of the few outsiders who knew this was coming up. Indeed it was. This gospel group is likely to pop up anywhere these days, and have really added their own particular musical character to an already very talented Kilcullen.

Happy Christmas, everybody.

Shoe boxes for homeless delivered

Jennifer Monaghan delivering shoe boxes and bags of scarves, hats, gloves, toiletries, to Don Bosco Care last week.

The materials for the boxes were supplied to the J & A Shabby Chic store during the past few weeks, and packed by Antoinette Buckley and Jennifer with help from family and friends.

"They were delighted at Don Bosco," Jennifer says. "Thank you to all who supported the initiative."

The boxes have been distributed to homeless people.

Drink-driving arrests down

One hundred and seventy-three motorists were arrested in Kilcullen for drink-driving offences in the decade 2004-2013, writes Brian Byrne. Two were arrested for driving under the influence of drugs over the same period.

The figures from the Central Statistics Office are against the background of more than 4,900 arrests for drink-driving in County Kildare as a whole over the same period, with 104 arrests in the county for drugs-driving.

The detection rates in Kilcullen were at their highest in 2006/2007/2008 when the drink driving arrests were 31/27/30 respectively. In 2013 there were eight arrests, and so far this year there have been five.

Gardai will mount mandatory alcohol checkpoints over the Christmas period, and will also use new powers to test motorists suspected of driving under the influence of drugs.

Monday, December 22, 2014

A little rain never stopped Santa ...

It's a pretty miserable drizzly evening out there, but that didn't stop Santa and his Sleigh from An Tearmann doing their traditional solo run up and down Kilcullen. Well, it's magic, isn't it? Could have done with a little of it to keep the raindrops from getting in the way of taking the photographs.

Castlemartin sale: reports

There are reports this morning that a sale is close to completion of Castlemartin Estate, the Irish home of Sir Anthony O'Reilly, writes Brian Byrne.

The buyer is said to be US businessman John Malone, for a reported figure of €28m. He is the man behind international telecommunications operator Liberty Global, owner of the UPC cable company in Europe.

Mr Malone has recently bought other property in Ireland, including hotels in Dublin and Limerick, and a stud farm in Thomastown, Co Kilkenny.

Library closed until January

Kilcullen Community Library is closed until Friday 9 January.

Kildare County Arts & Library Service wish all users of the Library a happy Christmas and New Year.

Final 2014 KBC update

This week we take a look at this month's SW League campaign, writes Enda O'Neill, PRO of Kilcullen Badminton Club.

Sarah's Grade 4 Mixed team played the first of their two league matches of the week away to Ballinabranna of Carlow on Tuesday 9 December. After beating St Laurence's the week before Sarah's team needed a win to cement their place at the top of the table but unfortunately it was not to be and KBC’s Grade 4 team were beaten 6-2 in a difficult away fixture.

On Friday 12 December it was Kilcullen's turn to host St Laurence's with nothing less than a win needed to put some daylight between KBC and the chasing St Laurence's and Ballinabranna. Kilcullen came out the right side of the result inflicting their second defeat on St Laurence's, beating them 6-2. This win puts KBC on top of the table in this still very open group and Kilcullen's final group placing still not written in stone, so it is still all to play for. Thanks to Nicole Dannagher, Ronan Murphy and Sean Gordon for subbing over the two fixtures.

Dave Mc Clean's Grade 1 Mixed team also played one of their league matches this month when they travelled to Carlow YM on Wednesday 17 December. Dave’s team currently are top of the table after beating Portarlington 8-0 in their opening match and continued their winning start with an impressive 6-2 win at Carlow. Dave's team now top the group and are through to the SW League Grade 2 Finals, well done to Dave, Lynsey, Norrie, Caroline, Annette, Niall, Gareth and Darren.

Friday 19 December Kasi and his Grade 6 Mixed team hosted Bough in their SW League clash. Kasi and the team put up a brave fight with most of the games going to three sets but it was Bough that ended the year with a 6-2 win. Hard luck to Kasi and the Gang.

Finally there are a few people I would like to thank. Firstly PJ Lydon and his team in the Community Centre, for being so understanding, supportive and generous to our Club and providing the best facilities in Leinster. There are very few clubs in both Dublin District Leagues and South West Leagues that can boast having the use of a four court hall, shower and kitchen facilites and it's because of these facilites that Kilcullen has been chosen by the South West League Committee to host the Under 17 South West Championship Finals on 2 January 2015.

Noel and Frances Claire from “The Bridge” for all their support over the last year publishing our monthly reviews.

We here at KBC would also like to thank Kilcullen's own Brian Byrne, without whom KBC wouldn’t get half the publicity that we got over the year.Thank you Brian for all the articles you have published for us. Finally Finally we at KBC would like to wish all of the community, members and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Kilcullen 5km Fun Run returns

Following from the success and enjoyable day of the fun run in March, €3,280 raised, we are planning to do it again on 22nd March 2015, writes Grainne McGrath.

The walking/jogging group will be back on the street in January. Starting Thursday 8 January, we will be doing our first 'weigh and walk'. The plan is to offer anyone who wishes, the option to weigh themselves each Thursday night, record their own weight, then go for a walk/run with the group.

Everyone can follow their chosen operation transformation leader for the food plan. Or you might be like me and have lots of old weight-watcher booklets at the back of a drawer to read up on! Whatever way you wish to do it, you won't be on your own. It's only going to be for the 11 weeks building up to the fun run. You will record your weight under a number instead of your name so it will be anonymous.

Starting: Thursday 8th January. Time: 7pm-7.30pm for weigh-in. Place: Scouts Den, situated in Kilcullen Community Complex, go past main door and Den entrance is facing pitch & putt course. Charge: €5 donation if you are doing the weigh-in or €2 if just coming along for the walk. Walking/jogging will start at 7.30pm.

All proceeds are divided between St Annes Special School and St Josephs NS Halverstown. All fitness levels are welcome.

Just to let you know that some of those who started the walking group in January decided to keep it up during the year. They progressed to jogging and just recently completed their first half marathon. Congratulations to Paul, Adrienne, Denise, Mary and Eleana. I'll be happy if I can run the 5km on 22nd March!!

Happy Christmas and see you in the new year, Grainne

Photos show Roisin, Ciara and Thomas McGrath presenting cheque to St Joseph's Principal Marion Sherlock and Aengus Fox presenting cheque to Principal of St Anne's Pauline Dempsey.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Lions Christmas Appeal

The Kilcullen Lions Christmas Appeal is in full swing today, carol singing and all.

Please stop and help to wish somebody a merry Christmas.

Badminton update

In this week's article we concentrate on the Dublin and District League and Cups, writes Enda O'Neill, PRO of Kilcullen Badminton Club.

We start with the DDL games where KBC had some mixed fortune and out first was the Division 2 Mix 1 team captained by Dave Mc Clean. The lads and ladies travelled to Kilmessan in this league match and came away with a fantastic 4-2 win. Another great win for Dave, Lynsey, Norrie and Gareth.

Helen's Ladies 3 had no luck this week in both their DD League and Cup matches, their first outing was an away match to ESB on Tuesday 16 December where the girls had no luck and were beaten 4-0. In the cup match on Thursday 18 December the ladies 3 travelled to Rathfarnham for the Quarter Finals of the Division 5 cup and again lady luck failed to smile on them in this away fixture. Helen and the girls were beaten 5-1 in a hard match. Hard luck to Helen, Chelsey, Nicole and Sarah who Im sure will pick themselves up in the next match.

KBC’s Mixed 2 Division 2 team captained by Sinead who had a great start to their week when they hosted Boyne on Tuesday 16 December. Sinead, Murt, Rachel and Dave J beat their opponents comprehensivley 5-1. Thursday 18 December Sinead and her gang visited Ailsberry and unfortunately could not build on their great win earlier in the week crashing out of the cup with a 4-1 defeat. Hard luck to Sinead and her Mixed 2 team.

In the final match we cover this week, Caroline's Mixed 3 team travelled to Whitehall Road to play Old School in this DDL Division 3 Clash. Caroline's team have had a great start to the league and continued their march to the league finals with a fantastic 5-1 win. This win puts Mixed 3 top of the table, well done Caroline, Annette, Niall and Martin on a great win.

Camphill Christmas regulars

Two nice Christmas events upcoming, courtesy of the Bridge Camphill, writes Brian Byrne.

Both are regulars, with Santa and his Sleigh coming to Kilcullen town at An Tearmann, 4.30pm Monday 22 December — a regular traffic stopper. The other is the wonderful Bell-ringing in An Tearmann, 10am on Christmas Eve.

Be warned about that last, though, the place fills up quickly, so get there early. Mince pies and mulled wine too, if I remember right.

Friday, December 19, 2014

On yer bike, Santa

Yep, there's really a sense of Christmas slipping in on the cooling air ... Paul O'Neill is reflecting it already with a Santa Suit that looks just the thing for keeping warm on a bike.

First of the wild geese ...

The wild geese are flying in for Christmas already, and just two hours off the plane from Taiwan, via Amsterdam, we spotted Sean Landers in Supervalu stocking up on some Barrys Tea, writes Brian Byrne.

"You can get tea in Taiwan, but it's Liptons, not the same at all," he murmured as he tried to decide between special and classic blends. "Ah, I'll take both ..."

Christmas shopping in Kilcullen

The Christmas spirit has well and truly taken hold writes Brian Byrne. As usual, we encourage everybody to keep as much of their business as is possible in town during the festive season, with the view of keeping the town in business.

Here's a really good idea for a present that will last and last in any family. Conor Williams Photography at Photos can be for any occasion, portraits, family, weddings, portfolios, other events. Conor's contact nnumber is 086 8721707, and he's operating a pop-up studio and gallery between now and Christmas (open all day this Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesday morning), beside the Vincents shop on Main Street. He's also stocking a range of individual prints that would grace the walls of any home. Also, if you're giving, or getting, a camera for Christmas, booking a session in learning how to use it could well be worth while. Apart from one-hour one-to-one instruction, Conor will also be conducting classes in 2015, and vouchers are also available for these. Just as an icing on the cake, some beautiful ceramics by artist Lesley Kelly are also on display in the gallery, and can be bought.

Well into the swing of the season is the Christmas Shop upstairs at Berneys Chemists. Apart from the expected, there's a very nice upmarket range of Christmas table and window decorations, the kind that never go out of date and are always nice to be seen when this time comes around every year. Best to browse for the ideas yourself, but take a look at the very safe kiddies' microwavable bed warmers.

Kilcullen Art Group also have a display of members' work for sale upstairs in An Tearmann, another excellent opportunity to browse for presents that definitely have a local flavour.

A nice idea for a youngster is to open a Credit Union Savings Account in their name, possibly a lifetime gift if it starts them on the regular savings route that will help them in many situations down life's sometimes financially precarious road. Call in to Pat and she'll sort you out.

All the Christmas menus are operating in Kilcullen's various eateries, with really good value offers for small or larger groups who want to hold their pre-Christmas get-togethers. For the size of the town we have an amazing selection of bistros, food pubs and restaurants. Think Fallons (045 481063), Bardons (045 482286), Joey's Hideout (045 482761), and Walls of the Priory at Kilgowan (045 403355). Also our coffee shops for those less formal meet-ups, Cafe Coulan, An Tearmann, and the River Cafe. And don't forget that a voucher towards dinner at any of the restaurants makes a very acceptable Christmas present.

The Valu€ Zone is another one of those places where you'll find not just what you're looking for, but also things that you might not be expecting. Meantime, though, seasonal needs like Christmas decorations, cribs, cards, and stocking fillers are just a small part of the good value stacked on the shop's shelves. Think of it too for a wide selection of photo frames, stationery, and those all important batteries. Lots more, go in and browse before you try outside of town.

Nobody familiar with Kilcullen needs reminding that Ger's Fruit & Veg is arguably the best source of fresh stuff in the mid-Kildare area. And the shop will be offering all sorts of suitable produce through the Christmas season. But there are other goodies there too, including a wide range of traditional sweets, fruit hampers, and some excellent preserves. Lots to pick up for the table and as gifts.

Nancy Poulain won't sell you pets for Christmas if she doesn't think you have the long-term commitment to look after them, but she does have absolutely every pet accessory imaginable in her Petits Pets Boutique at Lower Main Street. It's a really colourful place to visit at any time, but there are also extras for the festive season, with Christmas stockings for pets, festive wrapping for any of the things you might think of buying for the pet, or the pet-owner, in your circle. There's also grooming, and a voucher for a pet pamper would be very acceptable, especially to a dog owner. There are ideas online too, on her Facebook page, Petits Pets Boutique.

Though his Clarkes Menswear shop isn't actually in Kilcullen, Vivian Clarke is a Kilcullen man through and through, and for a gift for the man in your life there's no better place to go. A Gift Voucher might well be the idea for those hard to buy for. Even if they're not in to buy on any given day, customers from over the years will always stop for a chat with Vivian when on their way up or down the street in Newbridge. It's a social centre as much as a retail mens clothing emporium, and whether the subject is amateur drama, football, or whatever ... even, or especially, clothing ... there's always an excuse to do what now seems so difficult in a frenetic world, pass the time of day with a friend.

For that special gift you can purchase a Fallon & Byrne Hamper at Fallons of Kilcullen. Check out the Brochure on line. The hamper can be delivered for you. Phone 045/481063

Rose Doherty's Cottonwood Tree has established itself as a Mecca for everybody interested in sewing, knitting and allied crafts. An Aladdin's Cave of trimmings, buttons, and cloth which brings people, women mostly, from all parts of the county. Rose also stocks a range of items that would make good presents, including novelty mugs, practical but pretty aprons and oven gloves are also available, as well as natty wooden sewing boxes. And don't forget to leave your name in for reminding of a range of workshops.

Nichola Kennedy is our popular and knowledgable optometrist, but she can also be consulted for some really useful Christmas present ideas. Gift vouchers to any value required are available, and with no expiry date on them. Also sunglasses, prescription or fashion non-prescription are a popular pressie (especially from the hubbies!) They also stock a range of spectacle care items such as sprays, cloths, cases, chains and cords — all great stocking fillers. Also, don't forget that Nichola will gladly take in those old spectacles lying around at home, which will be distributed by the Lions Clubs to people in developing countries who need them.

Emma O'Herlihy's Have Ewe Any Wool craft business specialises in knitted hats in a number of cheerful designs which are particularly suitable for children. She also has knitted seasonal decorations.

The Vincents shop has moved, but only a couple of doors down from where they were, and now with more space. Always a treasure chest worth rummaging in, with only the best of quality pre-owned goods.

Who doesn't love a few flowers at Christmas, and especially if they have been put together in a personal bouquet of just what the recipient wants? Well, for that very personal touch for a loved one this year, contact Catherine Mulrennan's Kildare Flowers. She has been designing floral arrangement for all occasions in Kilcullen and the wider area for a long time now. Based in Kinneagh, she'll take orders on 086 3275668, or 045 481092. If you don't know exactly what you need, she'll advise.

One of the newest retail businesses in town is J & A Shabby Chic on Hillcrest, which is nevertheless already a vast emporium of unique and crafty ideas in furniture, household fittings, table decoration and too many other things to mention. Just hike on up there and browse, and we can pretty well guarantee that you'll come out with a smile on your face and probably clutching a bag or two. And if you want to give something to that friend who always hankered after getting into furniture restoration and upcycling, how about a voucher for for them for a one-day course?

It's hardly necessary to mention Nolans at all, so widespread is their fame for providing the best poultry and meats, not to mention the seriously individual deli items. But there's a special emphasis on Christmas with free range turkeys that have people queuing right along the street every Christmas Even when it comes to collection. Don't forget either the spiced beef, oak smoked hams and — if you fancy something different on Christmas Day — free range chickens, geese, ducks, pheasants and mallard. For after Christmas, it's when the delicacies come into their own, the home-made sausages, the puddings, rashers, cheeses and smoked salmon. Hampers can also be made to order as presents.

Downtown in An Tearmann they carry a range of select gifts for all ages and both genders, as well as a small but nice range of Christmas cards. Wooden toys and ornaments are a speciality here, while the mobiles made of glass and wood and gentle textiles are always worth a browse. And don't forget the Manna organic shop at the back, where Pauline and Sheedhna will always provide a big welcome.

One of the nicer things about Christmas is sitting at home with family and friends, maybe in front of a real fire, with seasonal snacks and a convivial drink. All you need in wines, beers, sherries and spirits is to hand in CarryOut in Market Square, where Paddy Nugent and family have best value in town to help a quiet celebration of the season.

Kilcullen, of course, has its very own French bakery in Armelle's Kitchen where those with a sweet tooth can satisfy cravings with a unique range of cakes, pastries and other baked treats.

Operating as Purity Belle Cliona Kelliher offers a wide range of handmade perfumed candles in an extraordinary variety of containers. Always a welcome present for those who appreciate soothing candlelight and scents. The blog on her website offers useful suggestions on making your own decorations and wrapping paper.

A range of selected French wines are now stocked in the River Cafe, and there is a selection of wine and cheese hampers available which would make very acceptable Christmas presents. There are also presentation wrapped mincemeat, puddings, cakes and other Christmas fare. And have a cup of coffee while you choose, maybe even a seasonal pastry baked on the premises..

Fancy a wander around a really nice shop for Christmas presents and not have any parking problems? Well, Burkes Pharmacy on Hillcrest is just the place, with lots of good ideas. And with lots of room to stroll around. Really recommended.

(This post will be updated regularly up to Christmas. Any local business or service which wants to suggest a gifts opportunity is welcome to let us know. There's no charge.)