Sunday, December 21, 2014

Kilcullen 5km Fun Run returns

Following from the success and enjoyable day of the fun run in March, €3,280 raised, we are planning to do it again on 22nd March 2015, writes Grainne McGrath.

The walking/jogging group will be back on the street in January. Starting Thursday 8 January, we will be doing our first 'weigh and walk'. The plan is to offer anyone who wishes, the option to weigh themselves each Thursday night, record their own weight, then go for a walk/run with the group.

Everyone can follow their chosen operation transformation leader for the food plan. Or you might be like me and have lots of old weight-watcher booklets at the back of a drawer to read up on! Whatever way you wish to do it, you won't be on your own. It's only going to be for the 11 weeks building up to the fun run. You will record your weight under a number instead of your name so it will be anonymous.

Starting: Thursday 8th January. Time: 7pm-7.30pm for weigh-in. Place: Scouts Den, situated in Kilcullen Community Complex, go past main door and Den entrance is facing pitch & putt course. Charge: €5 donation if you are doing the weigh-in or €2 if just coming along for the walk. Walking/jogging will start at 7.30pm.

All proceeds are divided between St Annes Special School and St Josephs NS Halverstown. All fitness levels are welcome.

Just to let you know that some of those who started the walking group in January decided to keep it up during the year. They progressed to jogging and just recently completed their first half marathon. Congratulations to Paul, Adrienne, Denise, Mary and Eleana. I'll be happy if I can run the 5km on 22nd March!!

Happy Christmas and see you in the new year, Grainne

Photos show Roisin, Ciara and Thomas McGrath presenting cheque to St Joseph's Principal Marion Sherlock and Aengus Fox presenting cheque to Principal of St Anne's Pauline Dempsey.