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Friday, December 26, 2014

GAA 2014 Awards

Three Lifetime Awards were presented at the recent GAA Social & Awards Night in Fallons, writes Jim Buckley.

One was presented to Club President Billy Aspell, for 40 years of promoting the Xmas Hamper fundraiser and for a lifetime of service to Kilcullen GAA.

Martin Whyte, recently retired from the Kildare County Board after five years as Treasurer, received an Award for his long and distinguished service to Kilcullen GAA.

Steve Kinneavey, recently retired from An Garda, was presented with his Award for his distinguished service and support to Kilcullen GAA.

Other Awards presented on the night were to the Senior Men's Players of the year Paul Jones and Danny Fisher; Junior Player of the Year Colin Byrne; Senior Ladies Player of the Year Amy Moran; Minor Men's Player of the Year Adam Noone; Minor Ladies Player of the Year Katie Willis; Juvenile Boys Mentor Award Liam Cronin; Juvenile Girls Mentor of the year Ger Breen; and Club Person of the Year Jacinta Sully.

A special presentation was made to to our Junior Team County Champions 2014.

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