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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Birdsong concerts this week

We're all aware — especially those of us who wake early anyhow — of the current Dawn Chorus activity of the birds in our area, writes Brian Byrne.

But what about the similar thing that happens at dusk, this time of the year? If you want to experience it in a quiet place with experts from Kildare Birdwatch, there's an opportunity tomorrow night, 14 May.

The event involves a walk at Ballinafagh Lake in Prosperous. Anybody wishing to take part should be at the car park in Ballinafagh at 7.30pm.

Meanwhile, if you prefer the early morning experience, next Sunday 18 May, Kildare Birdwatch is leading a Dawn Chorus event at Carton House demesne. All interested should meet in the overflow car park at Carton at 4.45am for a 5am start.

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