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Thursday, January 10, 2013

What's another year, for KCA?

The first meeting of Kilcullen Community Action of 2013 will be held in Fallons on Monday night next, 14 January, starting at 8pm, writes Brian Byrne.

Although only a small group of people regularly attend, the work that comes from their efforts has made a big difference to Kilcullen in many ways over recent years, and the group would dearly like to have more people come on board.

KCA meetings are open to the public, and attendance doesn't require any ongoing commitment from anyone. So if you only have a specific matter which you would like to bring to the attention of the group, that's fine.

On the other hand, if you want to get involved in a longer term project being promoted or supported by KCA, or one which you would like to bring to the group, there's always a welcome at the meeting table.

KCA developed out of the Tidy Towns Committee, which is still an integral part of its activities. The broader base which KCA provides has resulted in a large number of special projects as well as ongoing ones, and the group has also facilitated other organisations which in some cases have spun out of a KCA project.

Special projects in recent years have included the development of the Dun Ailinne Interpretive Park, the lowering of the Convent wall, and promoting improvements to derelict areas of Kilcullen. Ongoing ones include the Summer Flowers and the Christmas Lights. Tidy Towns remains a key focus of the group.

Projects in which it has had an input, or which it facilitated other groups in achieving, include the Community Playground, and to soon to be provided Kilcullen Childcare & Family Resource Centre. KCA also monitors and carries out basic maintenance of the Playground on behalf of Kildare County Council.

Through the commissioning of a Community Survey, completed last year, a Community Development Plan for Kilcullen has been provided. Elements of this plan are currently being progressed under the broad umbrella of the Kilcullen 2017 sub-group. More imminent, KCA has facilitated and encouraged the organisation of a Kilcullen Gathering 2013 group which is helping the town to leverage activities in the national Gathering Ireland initiative. And a Biodiversity Study of the river areas of Kilcullen will be launched soon, another project commissioned by KCA.

There's lots more goes on, some of it exciting, other parts less sexy but important for helping make Kilcullen a good place to be. And there's always need for more hands, and more ideas. If you figure you can contribute to helping keep your community the kind of place you're proud to live in, you'll be very welcome at any of the mettings, which take place twice a month on alternate Mondays.

Just to remind you, if you've gotten this far, that's next Monday.

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