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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

'Brains of Kilcullen' joust next week

BrainsOfKilcullenAn event in the Town Hall Theatre on 17 January will nominally be a Quiz, writes Brian Byrne. But in fact, nobody is sure what will happen on the night.

Indeed, it could be said that the Chaos Theory is the underpinning of 'The Brains of Kilcullen', which will pit two teams against each other, and the audience.

The gig is the branchild of Kilcullen Youth Club supervisor Adam Treacy, who received support for it from the O2 Think Big programme for young people and from Headstrong, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health. He's being helped with it by Roisin Byrne from KiYC.

If we tried to explain it here, we'd fail. Not least because some of the motley clads from Kilcullen Drama Group have been brought in to help mount the operation. But we do understand that the audience will be encouraged to participate. And if that fails, they will be forced to. Noel Clare will attempt to keep order, as nominal MC.

Tickets are €5, €2.50 for seniors and students, free if you are both the latter. From Bernard Berney Chemists.


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