Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Memories of CPC?

Former pupils and staff from Cross & Passion College are asked to contribute memories and photographs for a digital collection being produced as part of the 125th Anniversary celebrations of the College.

The Anniversary is being marked on Friday February 1 at an event in the College, starting at 7pm.

The memories can be contributed in written or video form, or simple audio, for inclusion in the collection. Anyone who wants to send something in can contact denisdennehy@cpckilcullen.com, or Noel Clare at 087 6497619.

Anyone who is in touch with former CPC students abroad is asked to let them know of the event and the collection. If they can't make it back for the event itself, they might like to send an audio or video message.

Details of the event and other commemorative initiatives will be available on the College website, cpckilcullen.com.