Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A, B, See...

Now that  the 'dreaded' back to school rush is over, take a moment to consider booking an appointment for a back-to-school eye examination, writes Nichola Kennedy.

As a parent, you may wonder whether your child has a visual problem or when it would be appropriate for your child to have first eye examination. Early identification of a child’s vision problem can be crucial because children often are more responsive to treatment when they are diagnosed early.

Young children with vision problems often don’t know the world is different from the way they see it, since they may have never seen clearly. Vision problems are treated more successfully during the growth and development of a child’s visual system.  By the time a child reaches 7 to 8 years of age, their visual system completes its development and hence a delayed eye examination can spell trouble.

An appropriate eye examination of a child at an early age is vital in terms of how well a child performs in school. At Nichola Kennedy FAOI Optometrist we can test children as young as 3 years of age.

Experts say that over 80 percent of what a child learns in school is presented visually, so making sure your son or daughter has good vision can make a big difference in their academic performance.

Routine eye exams for children can detect any shortsightedness, longsightedness and/or astigmatism your child has so it can be promptly treated with spectacles. Routine exams are also needed to make sure your child’s eyes are healthy.

We know that having an eye test for the first time can be a bit daunting for younger children, and we wishes to make the experience more enjoyable for the child and their parents. We are dedicated to advanced eye care.  Serving the local community is a priority and we are delighted to offer a very special deal to benefit all younger customers.

There is an extensive range to suit all your little one’s needs and some trendy frames to suit the not so little ones.

Click on the ad for more information.