Monday, July 12, 2010

New mass schedules

A new schedule for masses in Kilcullen and Gormanstown churches will begin from Saturday 31 July as the parish changes from having two priests to just one.

This is because Fr Paddy Ryan is retiring and will not be replaced, leaving Fr Michael Murphy PP as the sole priest for the two churches in the parish.

The changes will see a new focus on Liturgy led by the laity to replace some weekly masses.

The weekend Saturday Vigil Mass will now be at 6.30pm in Kilcullen Parish Church, and Sunday masses will be at 9.30am in Gormanstown Church, and 11am in Kilcullen Parish Church.

Weekday masses will be celebrated at 9.30am on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. A 10am mass will be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month. Masses on public holidays will be as announced.

Lay-led liturgies will e held at 9.30am on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and at 10am on Saurdays apart from the first Saturday.

The new schedule follows consultation with parishioners.