Thursday, February 05, 2009

Looking to next mini marathon

With the first signs of climbing out of winter, the local Flora Womens Mini Marathon stalwarts are beginning to gear up for this year’s effort.

The group, which has been participating in the event for several years to raise money for the Punchestown Kidney Research Fund, achieved a grand total of €20,000 in the 2008 marathon.

“As the days get longer, our thoughts turn to getting fit,” says Phena Bermingham, one of the organisers.”Can we do it again in aid of The Punchestown Kidney Research Fund? As President Obama would say, 'Yes we can. Of course we can and we will.”

The organisers want to hear from anyone who’d like to participate in 2009, especially people new to the area. “Its a great way to meet people,” Phena says. “We also look forward to meeting up with friends from previous years and those who will join us for the first time this year.

More details late, so watch this space. Meantime, information is available from
Lorraine on 045 481062 or 085 7604806; or Phena on 045 485232 or 087 9767531.