Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Cartoon calendar from FG

Fine Gael in Kildare South has launched a 2009 colour calendar for distribution amongst members and supporters around the constituency. The glossy production includes 12 caricature illustrations by well-known artist Niall O’Loughlin.

“The concepts for each month were inspired by Fine Gael members in the constituency and when we briefed Niall he loved the idea,” explained Des Swan, Director of Organisation for Kildare South.

He says the objective with the calendar is very simple. It is to visually provoke people into realising that blindly voting for Fianna Fáil has led to a complacency that has ultimately left Ireland and Kildare South ill-equipped to deal with the challenges of today.

"At the same time we have demonstrated Fine Gael’s credentials in always putting the interests of the country first, from Enda Kenny being the first leader to call for the re-capitalisation of the banks to the Tallaght strategy adopted by Alan Dukes.

Ultimately, the people express their opinion at the ballot box and the next opportunity is the local and European elections in June.