CPC awards
Pupils at Cross & Passion College were recently presented with achievement awards for a number of disciplines.
The winners included Neus Kell, Academic; Clare Kelly, Sport; Rebecca Domican, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Edel Walshe, Art; Fionn Dowling, Junior Sport; Jenny Murphy, Principal's Award for Contribution to School Life; Eoin Grace, English; Eddie Ball, Chaplain's Award and Geography; Brigid Snell, Chemistry; Caoimhe O'Halloran, Econimics, Irish, Biology; Niall Stafford, Biology, History, Accounting; Lisa O'Connell, Business; Louise Gorman and Rebecca Domican, Home Economics; Damian Hanlon, Physics; Peter O'Connell, Roisin O'Connor, Neus Kell, Music; and Richard Wixtead, History, Geography;
The awards are sponsored by Bank of Ireland and were presented by Paula Murray from the local branch.