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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Solas get KTK lift

A cheque for 5,000 euros was recently presented by KTK Landfill Limited to the Kilcullen Lions Club, to be used for the Solas Youth Cafe project.

The cafe, which it is hoped to open soon, is to be located in the Kilcullen Tennis Club building. The building has been renovated with the support of the Lions for the project.

The cheque was handed over to Sean Dillion by Neil Menzies of KTK.

Meanwhile, the annual Duck Race organised by Kilcullen Lions will take place on Sunday next, 20 April, as part of a Community Day. Ducks can be bought for 5 euros from any Lions member. First prize is a voucher for two nights in any Carlton hotel, and the second prize is a voucher for two for Paul's restaurant.

There are also many other spot prizes.

And the annual Lions Golf Classic is being held in Kilkea Golf Club on Friday 23 May. Entry fee is 300 euros per team. Phone Darragh at 087 2563340.