Sculpture is in place
Two thousand hours of an artist's life reached their destination this morning with the erection of his biggest work to date at the Dun Ailinne Commemorative site at Nicholastown."I have a yen to make small things for a while now," quipped Noel Scullion after the final piece of his javelin sculpture was lowered into place shortly before 11 o'clock.
The piece incorporates a feature which uses the sun on the equinoxes to light up a particular part of the edifice. It is based on an ancient javelin head found during excavations at Dun Ailinne, the ancient royal site a few kilometres down the Athy Road.
The project was managed by Kilcullen Community Action with financial help from a number of organisations, including KELT.
An explanatory sign for the sculpture site has been designed by Michelle Ryan of Lui na Greine based on information about Dun Ailinne collated by Des Travers. Sponsored by The Heritage Council, it is now ready for erection.
A slide show of this morning's event can be seen here.
Brian Byrne.