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Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Power of Three

The Kilcullen Writing Group is hosting The Power of Three – An Evening of Readings at Kilcullen Town Hall on Wednesday 23 January at 8pm. It’s another first for the group, following on the success of its Creative Writing Workshops held last October.

The Power of Three – An Evening of Readings is unique in that it provides a joint platform for the first time to three of County Kildare's creative writing groups and an unmissable opportunity to hear the emerging creative voices of the county. Kilcullen Writing Group has invited the long-established Clane Writers and the more recently formed Bower Writing Group to join them for this inaugural event.

Each of the three groups will be given a half hour slot to fill allowing one or two (or several) members to read from their creative work. Readings will take the form of poetry, short stories, prose, memoir, novel or play extracts.

There is no charge for this event and all are welcome. For more details and to reserve your seat, please contact Pauline Fagan on (087) 213 4155 before Monday 21st January. Early booking is advised as interest is expected to be keen. Please note: this is not an open mic night.

Ilona Blunden.

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