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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

News from Lui na Greine

The recent edition of the Lui na Greine Newsletter highlighted a number of initiatives by the estate's residents over recent months.

These included the organisation of the first Estate Summer Party. It was a great success and everyone enjoyed the day.


The residents group also met with local Garda Brian Kearney and Sergeant Mary Corcoran from Naas Garda Station to discuss setting up a Neighbourhood Watch.

The gardaí were very helpful and informative about issues regarding the safety of homes. They outlined many tips to deter criminals.

Residents asked what was being done about the young drivers on the main road and around the town who are speeding. Garda Kearney said that they are constantly on the watch for this. They have ongoing speed checks in various places and traffic checkpoints to try and stop this problem. But it is a nationwide one that is difficult to control.

Michelle Ryan