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Friday, October 12, 2007

Draft development plan meeting

Kilcullen Community Action is holding a special public meeting for local people who want to discuss the Draft Kilcullen Local Area Development Plan, which is on display in The Heritage Centre.

The meeting, on Wednesday night in the Town Hall, is to facilitate local comment and input to the plan before the public consultation period ends on 23 October.

Although the town boundary hasn't been changed since the last plan, some 60 acres inside the boundary have been rezoned from agriculture to residential use.

These include an area behind Nicholastown, near Logstown, and between Lui na Greine and the Link Business Park.

The field opposite Scoil Bhride has been changed to industrial and warehousing use.

The plan as presented represents how future development in Kilcullen will take place up to 2012.

Everybody with an interest in the future of Kilcullen should have a look, and make sure they have their say.

The KCA-organised meeting in the Town Hall starts at 8pm.

Brian Byrne.