Memory Lane: 1798 commemoration
In the course of a much needed clearout of old files this weekend, your editor came across a packet of pictures taken in 1998 at Kilcullen's commemoration of the bicentenary of the Rebellion of 1798.For the sake of heritage, I've scanned the best of them and put them up as a slide show. Although only nine years ago, Kilcullen has changed a lot since then. And for that half of the town's current population who have only arrived since, it may be of interest.
The picture of the late Paddy Nugent unveiling the commemorative stone on the bridge is important not just to note Paddy's contribution to the early development of Kilcullen from the middle of the last century, but also to recall that the words on the stone were decided in Kilcullen, and subsequently adopted by Kildare County Council as the wording for all commemorative plaques around the county.
Brian Byrne.