Thursday, May 24, 2007

O Fearghaill hits Kilcullen

As polling day wound its way into late afternoon, Fianna Fail candidate Sean O Fearghaill reached Kilcullen on his tour of the polling stations.

"I just realised then that I'd had no breakfast, so we had to take a break," he told the Diary when we met up in The Hideout just after he'd fixed that situation.

He agreed with your Editor that this time around it wasn't so straightforward, with the entry of Jane Mullins into the fray. "But if she'd gone in six months earlier she really would have been a formidable candidate."

Of all the opposing canditates, he reckoned J J Power of the Green Party to be the really serious contender.

Sean emphasised that his campaign won't be finished until 10.30 tonight.

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