Latest from Lui na Greine
The latest issue of Lui Na Gréine's a monthly newsletter provides a lot of information about the last resident's meeting on Thursday, 10 May. With many additional residents attending, ongoing issues such as the estate entrance lighting, nameplate and maintenance, getting a footpath to connect to the town and tree cutting were discussed. Future ideas such as the setup of a Neighbourhood Watch and an annual estate Funday were proposed.
The newsletter also provided residents with information about Neighbourhood Watch.
As our estate was mentioned on the Kilcullen Diary website, the newsletter also gives residents a description of the website and relevant links.
On a humorous note, the lampposts outside the estate have been referred to as being similar to the spire in Dublin. But thankfully, they have been put to use this month with electoral campaign posters.
The next residents meeting is on 21 June at 8pm in Fallons. All residents welcome.
Michelle Ryan.
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