A club with definite goals
Kilcullen AFC, established in 1968, is one of the more progressive clubs in Kildare at present, fielding a total of 14 teams for the 2006/2007 season. Given the size of the town this is a pretty good reflection on the professionalism of its members.Of the 14 teams, we field two Senior teams playing in the Kildare Junior League and 12 under age teams playing in the Kildare Schoolboy League.
Our Underage League teams are from Under 15s down to Under 8s inclusive and we also provide coaching for 6-7 year-olds. The club have a great group of managers, who, week in week out look after their respective teams.
Off the field we are a busy committee although a very small one. Our main goal, as well as providing soccer to the youth of the town, is to provide a permanent home for the club. To date we are halfway to this goal with completion of our clubhouse down at the Community Centre. Our next venture is to develop our playing area and provide a quality full size pitch with training facilities. This venture we hope to start this year.Like all clubs we cannot get by without the help of many people and groups. The club acknowledges the assistance of Scoil Bhríde and the Cross and Passion College for the use of their excellent pitches, to Denis and Margaret Brennan for the use of our home pitch for nearly 30 years, and all the businesses who have sponsored our teams.
If you want to see the club in action, drop down any Saturday between 10am and 2pm to the Community Centre and see what goes on. While it may look like mayhem and in some cases it is, you will see over 60 kids playing in competitive home matches. Bear in mind that we have a similar number of players playing away. The season runs for 7-8 months of the year so it takes considerable commitment from both the committee and from managers to keep these teams going.
Ray Kelly