Diary back on the home sod
Just back from our extended break, the Diary would like to thank those who contributed news and other things while we were away and helped to keep it ticking over.
Apart from the bitter cold, which we understand has just kicked in this weekend after a period of bad storms, we notice a few changes since before Christmas.
Bernard Berney's planning application, for instance. Not a surprise, but certainly yet another move of faith in the future in Kilcullen.For the Wild Geese, and anybody still around who might not be given to noticing such things, the application relates to the Chemist Shop and the adjacent premises formerly the Post Office.
Bernard is seeking permission to extend the premises into the old Post Office as well as modernising the existing shop. In addition, the proposal involves building an office/retail facility on the first floor.
With the recent superb revamping and extending of Nolans Victuallers, and the Eurospar Supermarket renovations finally getting close to completion (we really like the off-licence area), the town's business centre is beginning to look like what such in a growing town should be.
We'll catch up with more, no doubt, over the next week or so.
It's good to be back. Not to steal from Bertie's crowd, there's a lot done, but a lot more to do.
Well, OK, we did steal the line. But we mean it.
Brian Byrne.