Works still in progress
Building and refurbishing projects continue to reshape the face of Kilcullen, and especially for the benefit of our overseas readers we'll continue to show you progress in such matters.Formerly Berneys, the new Fallon's Bar Cafe frontage is currently awaiting some signeage. The interior has been thoroughly refreshed, with new seating and lighting and a new restaurant area out the back as well as the existing one in what was formerly the tailor's shop of the late Jim Kelly.
Our picture shows just how badly needed is some public utility work on putting phone and electricity cabling underground throughout the town. No vista will be truly attractive until that is done.Meanwhile, Nolans Butchers project proceeds apace, with the steelwork for some of the preparation area at the rear now well erected, and the side wall of the Library boundary that had to be demolished is now rebuilt with what looks like being a nice iron detailing on the top.
The third storey on the development beside The Hideout is also beginning to rise. When finished, it will certainly change the streetscape at this end of town.
Brian Byrne.