Monday, October 30, 2006

Litter lost us marks

Kilcullen's litter problem had been especially highlighted by the Tidy Towns judges this year, Kilcullen Community Action chairman Kieran Forde said during the recent Community Awards presentations.


He said that there was still a lot of litter being thrown around despite the efforts of local people and the County Litter Warden.

"Like a lot of voluntary groups, we have our ups and downs with numbers of helpers," he said. "But on Monday nights through the summer we do have dedicated people who come out and work with us. It's probably a pity that the Tidy Towns adjudication was on a Friday this year, and not on a Tuesday when the town was always much cleaner."

Kieran also made mention of The Valley, which had been mentioned negatively in the judges' report.


"This year we didn't have the manpower to work on it, although we did some litter picking. But we could lose what was a jewel in the town if something isn't done."

He said that the trustees of The Valley were similarly concerned, and that for next years 'heads would have to be got together' to deal with the problem.

He estimated that if the required maintenance was given to contractors it would cost in the region of 10,000 euros.

"Trees need to be cut, weeding done, gravel regularly raked, and seats painted," he said. "This is a community facility on which a lot of money was spent over the years and it would be a pity to lose it."

Brian Byrne.