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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Memory Lane: Denis Melia Sale

The Diary is grateful to Ronan Murphy for sending in this advertisement relating to a Sale by Denis Melia in his Fashion House and Shoe Boutique in Newbridge many years ago.


The time is obviously pre decimalisation in 1971, and it was a drapers' protocol of the time that prices were recorded in multiples of shillings rather than using full £.s.d (hmm, how many readers actually remember £.s.d?).

And so Denis was offering, at the end of his Sale, Ladies Slips for 10/- (for the younger of you, that was the shorthand for ten shillings), Poplin Coats for 60/- (that was £3, worth a lot more than the subsequent 'decimal' punts) and Skinny Rib Jumpers for 27/6, otherwise £1.7s.6d, the 'd' being a 'penny' of which there were 240 in a £.

Confused? Don't worry about it. It is history before Charlie Haughey, even.

But on the day, men could buy Fur Lined Boots for 75/- (are you getting the hang of this now?), Fancy Candlewick Bedspreads were 39/6, and Extra Large Dutch Blankets were on sale for 35/-.

If there's anyone out there who remembers what an average weekly wage was in or around that time, it will put the whole thing into perspective.

How much have you paid recently for your Skinny Rib Jumper?

Brian Byrne.