It Says in The Bridge: June 06
The Diary was away when the last issue of the Bridge was produced, and do we didn't get to do our usual feature on the magazine. By the time we got home, it seemed too late.But now things are back to whatever 'normal' is, and this glorious public holiday weekend the June issue leads with news of how Shane Callaghan from Avondale Drive managed to meet with his namesake pop star Shane Ward, whose song That's My Goal is credited with waking him from a coma after a bad road accident.
Shane is recovering well from his accident, which had him in the coma for five weeks.
The other main front-page story describes a 'surprise' move with An Taisce appealing the decision of Kildare County Council to grant planning permission for a another town centre development, based at the back of McTernan's.
It seems that An Taisce is protesting the proposal to demolish McTernan's pub, which for some reason that totally escapes the Diary editor is a 'protected structure'.
The story says that while there had been some individual objections by 'concerned residents' to the proposal, the latest revised plans had been 'generally welcomed' locally.
Other news in the magazine includes the results of the recent 'Operation Hope' Cake Sale, which raised €850, and the €2,500 raised for Enable Ireland by Kilcullen Flower Club's Gala Demonstration last November. There's also a 'thank you' note from the organisers of the Parish Feis held in early April, which raised €3,626 for parish funds.
The 'exciting times' at Kildare Steiner School are also detailed, as the school commences work shortly on the first building of the new school campus at Rathargid, Dunlavin.
A new venture from KCA will be inaugurated on June 24, when a Party on the Green will be held at Cnoc na Greine, between 3-5pm. It will include a barbecue and entertainment for children. Further information from Orla O'Neill at 480988.
Photographic coverage in the latest Bridge includes a comprehensive spread from the Awards Day at Cross & Passion College, a presentation evening at the Premiere School of Dancing, and several groups of young soccer players on Ray Kelly's 'Offside' page.
The 'Scoil Bhride Notice Board' reports on, among other events, the publication of the first issue of a School News magazine, under the supervision of Mrs Murphy.
In 'Environment News', Kilcullen's Tidy Towns people note that they have had no response from Kildare County Council to a number of queries on council cleaning activities, in a letter sent last March. The page pictures the state of litter anarchy last Sunday, and the townspeople's own efforts on Monday night last to redress the situation.
There will be town cleaning from the community every Monday evening through the summer, starting at 7.30pm at the Town Hall. In the meantime, everybody who feels strongly about KCC's lack of response is encouraged to phone the Environment Section of the Council.
The usual features are all here, but there's an unusual one in the form of an article by Liam McCarton from Grangemore, who is currently working with his wife Jackie in Sri Lanka as part of the Tsnumai Reconstruction Team.
His article though is about Laos, which strikes a chord with your editor as I spent a couple of weeks there recently. Liam's account of staying in a typical Lao village is fascinating to us in the 'developed' world.
Otherwise we have Paul Aspell 'Under The Bridge' but really overlooking a nudist beach somewhere off Africa. Billy Redmond is 'Off the Cuff' on Kilcullen past, with memories from the fifties which I can well relate to; and Sean Landers is safely back in Taiwan and recalling various travel adventures involving food.
Sean also, in his local history series, reveals to us the several lives of one Canon James A Hannay, a rector of Carnalway parish and a secret published novelist under the name of George A Birmingham. Great stuff.
Pastor Robert Dunlop, with presumably more time on his hands now that he is retired, profiles in depth Dick Jeffers, the 'epitomical Kildare ranch farmer' who is of 'unvarnished honesty' and has 'reached a defining milestone in life's journey'. You'll have to read it for yourself, but the Diary salutes Dick on the achievement of his 80th birthday.
And that is really a good spot to conclude this ITSITB.
Brian Byrne.