Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Hillcrest footpath saga

Some residents of Hillside cottages approached and met with the Council about the footpath changes and basically they were informed that the road is a public road, the footpath is a public footpath. As such they, the Council, are not obliged to discuss the plans they have for any areas with residents, or anyone else for that matter.


The original information with regard to the whole area around Hillside was that there were plans to introduce 'parking bays' outside the Hillside cottages -- this would mean a reduction in the amount of parking areas along this area and in turn would mean some residents would not have had a parking space outside their house.

Plans were seen indicating this and the Council did state the work was going ahead ... without any liaising with the residents.

The Council indicated that the road width was to be reduced to create a traffic calming effect -- but when asked how the road width would reduce speed, the delegation was informed that the Garda would have to police the area. Given that there were double yellow lines along the Hillcrest for the past 18 months, this would appear to be a pretty hopeless wish.

Personally I have raised issues regarding the whole Hillcrest entrance/development, and after two years the Council finally seemed to do something about it. But alas, they never took into consideration any of the issues I raised or have made any attempts to discuss any further changes with residents of Kilcullen.

Anyway, to conclude, the Council replied the following day and indicated that the work along Hillside cottages was not proceeding -- even though it was seen on a plan for the area ...

As Adrian says, the Council do what they wish and unless people question what they see being done to our town, the Council will make a proverbial dog's melodeon of it.

A good idea might be that more ranting comes from people in our town ... best method I have found is a letter indicating all the issues identified as the Council are obliged to reply to letters but not to phone calls.

Ranting Ray

ED NOTE: In relation to the Council's attitude to communicating with the public, the Diary draws your attention to this response from the Council on a similar issue, last December. Particular note might be taken of the final paragraph.