Monday, June 12, 2006

'Guinness' suggestion on paths

Should we be calling the Guinness book of records to see if we have qualified for the town with the widest footpaths in the country?

I know the town is expanding and that the average Irish person is expanding in size but surely it's not necessary to have a 20 foot wide path?


The path in question I refer to is the lovely piece of work the council have left us along the new Hillcrest development. I understand that it was dangerous to park there initially and that the double yellow lines were ignored when put in place.

Surely if there was any consideration taken into place before the changes were made, there would be at least three to four parking spaces available if the path was built correctly?


While I'm on my little rant I would also like to bring to notice the extension of the footpath outside The Spout. This was introduced when we got our new set of traffic lights and road markings. When I am travelling through the town heading towards Old Kilcullen direction on numerous occasions I have hit my car wheel on the kerb which obstructs the road.

I am only following the road markings which in turn are inaccurate. Who or what comes up with these half brained ideas in the first place? and should we as a town have a say in these matters? I know to many this may seem very petty but the situation seems to be going from bad to worse and if we are not careful they may even get the idea to pedestrianise the entire town!!!

Adrian McDonnell.