Monday, June 12, 2006

Takeaway litter proposal

The seven businesses in town operating food takeaways are to be approached by Kilcullen Tidy Towns Committee to contribute directly towards cleaning up weekend litter.


A letter is being sent to them all with the suggestion that a specified contribution will be used to employ somebody to pick up litter on Saturdays and Sundays through the summer.




Pictures taken after a weekend currently show that takeaway containers and packaging make up a significant portion of the litter.

Meanwhile, Noel Clare of Kilcullen Tidy Town Committee has told the Diary that he has noticed the reappearance of the plastic bag in litter in the town.

"These had totally disappeared following the introduction of the plastic bags tax, but lately there are more of them visible," he said.

He wondered if inflation in the overall shopping 'basket' cost had made the 15 cents tax less of a disincentive, and said he was glad to hear that the minister for the environment was raising the figure.

Brian Byrne.

ED NOTE: None of the foregoing is to suggest that the takeaway businesses are responsible for the litter problem in the town. That lies squarely on the ignorant number among their customers who never learned any respect for their environment or their community.