Lions to race Ducks again
Following on from the success of the Lions Club Duck Race last year, this year’s race will be held on Sunday the 23rd of April.
A Battle of the Bands event will also take place before the race so brush up on your Iron Maiden or AC/DC.
Proceeds from the day will be going to support “Operation Maintain Hope” which is a project aimed at building orphanages in Kenya. Gerry Donohue, Garry Collins and Joe Dooley will all travel on the next expedition due to leave in a number of weeks.
The day will kick off at 1.00pm and run until 5.00pm in the square beside the bridge. Ducks will cost €5 each and sponsorship cards are available from Lions Club Members or many businesses around the town.
A children’s treasure hunt will also take place on the day, information about which will be given through Scoil Bhride.
Last year your support made this community day very enjoyable for all, so please support this day again and come along to cheer on the ducks.
Padraig Maloney.